175 W. Main St,, Clarksburg, WV 26301 (304) 622-6831
Worship 10:45 WPDX 104.9 FM Live-Stream at facebook.com/fpcclarksburg
175 W. Main St,, Clarksburg, WV 26301 (304) 622-6831
175 W. Main St,, Clarksburg, WV 26301 (304) 622-6831
175 W. Main St,, Clarksburg, WV 26301 (304) 622-6831
We are open for Sunday morning worship
Sunday Morning worship will be broadcast live on WPDX 104.9 FM and 750 AM
We will also live-stream the service at www.facebook.com/fpcclarksburg
For the link to join a Zoom meeting please email Pastor
Worship Service 10:45 a.m.
Mask or face shields are optional.
But, if you are sick, please stay home!
Monday, March 31st
10:00 am Prayer Group
Zoom or in person
Tuesday, April 1st
Wednesday, April 2nd
3:30 pm Bible Study
Lenten Lunch & Service
11:30 am Service at 12:30 pm Rev. Steven Elderbrock
Thursday, April 3rd
Laundry Ministry 4:30 pm
Beth & Kierra
Friday, April 4th
AA meeting at noon
Sunday, March 30th
All Sunday School classes at 10:00 a.m.
Worship 10:45 a.m.
Pastor James A. Harris
Laundromat Schedule for April
3rd Kierra & Beth
10th Wayne & Harriet
17th Maria & Beckie
25th Josh & Sally
Serving God and loving all God's people since 1829.
Our Vision and Mission
We are children of God,
intertwined to experience and exhibit love:
love for God, love for self, love for others.
Rooted and grounded in love,
we commit ourselves to
deepen our spiritual lives;
work to welcome, nurture and empower youth and young adults;
enhance and expand our older adult ministry;
embrace our downtown location, and its opportunities for mission and ministry;
develop a more faithful stewardship of all God's gifts.
Praising God in worship and in life.
Sunday School 9:45 am
Divine Worship 10:45 am - broadcast live on WPDX 104.9 FM
Come on in - we'll save a back pew for you.
Say something interesting about your business here.
What's something exciting your business offers? Say it here.
PastorJames A. Harris
FPCpastorclarks@gmail. com
Mary Kay Devono
Nursery Attendant
Ashleigh Burnett
Office Volunteer
Elsa Davis
David Nuzum
Lance Kuhens
Wayne Northey
Sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, and events.
Sunday School 9:45 am
Divine Worship 10:45 am